Google kalender i Outlook

Det er et udbredt problem at få Googles kalender til at virke ordenligt i Microsoft Outlook. Typisk vil man kunne oprette adgangen med læserettighed men desværre uden adgang til, at rette eller oprette nye aftaler.
Løsningen er lige så simpel som dét, at bruge en kalender….

Jeg har kopieret løsningen fra Dan Petersen som har postet den i Googles kalenderhjæpeforum:!topic/calendar/GDdaZKZYRog

Dan Petersen111 sagde:

I think I have a solution. Most instructions say to add calendar by choosing “Open Calendar” then “from internet” and then pasting in the ics link. This for me resulted in the issue above (being read-only).

Instead, put the url for the ics file into a browser and a file should download (basic.ics was mine). Open that downloaded file with outlook running. For me the calendar was automatically added in and I have the functionality to edit it (I also gave the email address associated with outlook privileges to modify events etc, not sure if this has any effect on the situation).

Hope this helps…

Tak til Dan Petersen for hjælpen.